JINKO “沈香”
JINKO “沈香”
JINKO “沈香”
Accord : Agarwood
60本/ Box, 真鍮香立付
沈香木 偉大な自然の偉業
お釈迦様は その高貴な香りに包まれながら
遥か昔 淡路島に流れついたその香木を
やがて平安の時代には 衣服に香りを焚きしめて恋心や風情を娯しむ貴族にも好まれる香りとなり
また戦乱の世の武士たちは 戦の前に高ぶる気持ちを鎮めるためにこの香りを求めた
淡路島で作られるその古(いにしえ)の香りは 今日の日も私たちの心落ち着かせ
the wood accumulated its sap over a great many years to heal its own wounds.
the agarwood.
a great feat of nature. they say that the Buddha attained enlightenment while surrounded by its noble fragrance.
long ago, folks who unknowingly burned the wood that had drifted ashore on Awaji Island were enveloped by its magnificent fragrance and marveled.
the agarwood was presented to the Imperial Capital and was highly prized as a sacred altar fitting for Buddhism and Shinto practice.
in the Heian period, agarwood became the favored fragrance of the aristocrats who burned the fragrance on their clothes to entertain their romance and emotions.
also, samurai warriors in the age of war loved this fragrance to calm their agitated minds before the battles. this ancient fragrance produced on Awaji Island continues to soothe, calm, and purify our hearts, even to this day.
【お香 Attention】
・ 線香の先端に火を灯してお使いください。
・ この商品は、お香立てや香炉などの不燃性の容器を使用し、線香が倒れたり外に飛び出さないよう、火の取り扱いに十分ご注意ください。
・ 燃えやすいものの付近、風がある場所、不安定な場所でご使用しないでください。
・ 使用後は火が消えていることを確認後、後始末をしてください。
・ 乳幼児の手の届かない場所で保管してください。
・ 用途以外では使用しないでください
・ Incense sticks are to be used by lighting a fire at one end of the stick. ・ Use a nonflammable container such as an incense burner, and be careful not to let the incense fall over or burn out of the container.
・ Do not use it near flammable materials, in windy or unstable places.
・ After use, make sure the fire is extinguished.
・ Keep out of the reach of children.
・ Do not use the product for any purpose other than the intended use.